

294 2024-10-08 18:24 admin



New Year has the new hope, prosperity completely around。 New Year, new weather, are embracing the happiness。 New Year's day is the beginning of the New Year, warm wishes to cash immediately。 Happy New Year's day。


Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy Mid-autumn day!


On this mid-autumn festive day,I hope spring breeze caresses you,family care for you,love bathes you,God of wealth favors you,friends follow you,I bless you and the star of fortune shines upon you all the way!



法式菜肴:肥鹅(鸭)肝,松 露,奶酪,鱼子酱, 英国美食。炸鱼加薯条。 澳大利亚美食。 悉尼鱼市的海鲜 2. 墨尔本维多利亚女王市场的精致蘑菇大餐 3. 布里斯班河边的牛肉烹饪表演 4. 北领地沙滩夜市的鳄鱼肉 5. 南澳巴罗莎山谷的农家菜


春节是中国传统的重要节日之一,也是中国人最喜欢的节日之一。它通常在农历新年的第一天庆祝,这一天标志着春季的开始。春节的英文是Chinese New Year,也叫做Lunar New Year。





  • 贴春联:人们会在门上贴上一幅对联,上联写着吉祥的话,下联写着福字,寓意着希望来年幸福和吉祥。
  • 包红包:长辈会给小孩子们红包,红包里放着钱,象征着压岁钱,希望孩子们在新的一年里平平安安、快快乐乐。
  • 拜年:人们会拜访亲戚和朋友,给他们拜年,并祝福他们新年快乐。
  • 吃团圆饭:全家人会在除夕夜一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,象征团圆和幸福。
  • 放鞭炮:人们会在除夕夜放鞭炮,传统上认为鞭炮声能驱走邪恶的灵气。



  • 饺子:饺子是春节期间必不可少的食物之一,它的形状象征着金元宝,寓意着财富。
  • 年糕:年糕是一种由糯米制成的食品,象征着生活越来越甜蜜。
  • 炸酱面:炸酱面是一道传统的北京面食,通常在春节期间吃,它的味道十分美味。








1. 尊重他人: 在餐桌上,我们应该尊重他人的感受和文化差异。尽量避免一些冒犯性的举动,比如大声嚼食物、打嗝或者将手肘放在桌子上。

2. 保持整洁: 餐桌上的规矩并不只是指仪表端正,还包括保持整洁。当我们用餐时,要注意用餐用具的摆放位置和用餐姿势,避免弄脏桌布或者洒出食物。


1. 入席礼仪


2. 就餐用具使用


  • 餐刀:使用餐刀时,刀刃要面向自己,不要用刀指向他人。
  • 叉子:使用叉子时,要握住叉柄,不要将手指放在叉齿上。
  • 勺子:使用勺子时,要用右手握住,左手可用于稳定碗或者搅拌食物。
  • 筷子:使用筷子时,要稳扎稳握,不要用筷子指向他人或者在餐具上敲打。

3. 进食礼仪


  • 不要嘴里塞满食物。
  • 不要大声咀嚼食物或发出噪音。
  • 咀嚼食物时,应该将嘴闭上避免说话。
  • 不要用手抓取食物,除非是特别的小吃或者其他允许用手进食的食物。
  • 如果需要打喷嚏或者咳嗽时,用餐巾或者纸巾遮住口鼻。

4. 礼貌用语


  • 请 - 当你需要请求一些东西时,比如请拿盐或者请给我递一下餐巾纸。
  • 谢谢 - 当别人帮助你时,要及时说谢谢。
  • 不好意思 - 当你意外引起一些不便或者犯了错误时,可以说这个词表达歉意。
  • 对不起 - 当你做错了事情时,及时道歉。

5. 礼仪细节


  • 不要吹食物,如果食物太热,可以等待一会儿再吃。
  • 不要将食物放在嘴边的时候咨询别人,这样显得很不懂礼貌。
  • 如果你需要离开餐桌,应该先向其他人说一声,然后离开。
  • 不要在用餐时玩手机或者其他电子设备。




1 乌鸦喝水手抄报的过程可以用英文表达。2 The process of making a crow drinking water hand copy can be expressed in English.

The crow drinking water hand copy is a traditional craft practice in China, where people use ink and brush to paint a picture of a crow drinking water from a river or a well. 

The process involves several steps, such as preparing the paper, mixing the ink, and drawing the lines. The artist then fills in the colors and shades, and adds details to the picture. 

This practice requires patience, skill, and creativity.3 The crow drinking water hand copy is not only a beautiful artwork, but also a cultural heritage. 

It reflects the wisdom and aesthetics of the Chinese people, and has been appreciated by many art lovers around the world. 

Furthermore, the practice of making hand copies can also improve one's concentration, hand-eye coordination, and artistic expression.


December 25 is the day Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus, known as Christmas. Westerners with red, green and white color for the Christmas colors, Christmas comes every household is decorated with Christmas colors.

Exist side by side is red and white Santa Claus, he is the most popular figures in the Christmas activities. Western children go to bed on Christmas Eve, prior to the pillow next to the fireplace or put a sock in their sleep after waiting for Santa Claus to present on the socks.


The People's Republic of China has been set up for 60 years.After the dark and defficult time, we become much stronger,richer.The quality our people's life has improved a lot. When we look back,we can see the poor and weak in the past years.Once none one in the world respected us,or our country.But that had been the PAST! We are proud of these.We are proud that our great country is becoming stronger and stronger! 翻译:中国已经建立了六十年。在经历了那些黑暗的困难的时期后,我们变得更加富强。人民的生活水品得到很大提高。 当我们回首往事,可以看到过去的贫穷和软弱。曾经,世界上没有哪个人会尊重我们或我们的国家。但这一切,都已经过去了! 我们自豪,因为我们的祖国变得越来越强大!







  • 彩纸
  • 剪刀
  • 胶水
  • 彩色笔
  • 贴纸


  1. 首先,准备好所需的材料。选择橙色、黄色和棕色的彩纸作为背景,以营造感恩节的温暖氛围。
  2. 然后,用剪刀将彩纸剪成所需的形状和大小。可以剪出一个大的南瓜形状作为手抄报的中心图案。
  3. 接下来,用彩色笔在南瓜上写上"Thanksgiving"字样,突出手抄报的主题。
  4. 在手抄报的四周粘贴一些贴纸,例如叶子、火鸡、果实等,以增加节日氛围。
  5. 如果想要加入一些个人的感谢内容,可以使用贴纸或彩色笔写上自己的感谢之词。例如,感谢家人、老师、朋友等。
  6. 最后,将制作好的感恩节手抄报展示在学校或家里的窗户上,与他人分享感恩的心情。






  • 培养良好的心态。感恩能够让我们更加积极向上,看到生活中的美好和幸福。
  • 增进人际关系。通过感恩,我们能够在人与人之间建立起真挚的情感连接,增进亲友之间的关系。
  • 提升幸福感。感恩的心态能够让我们拥有更多的幸福感,满足感和生活满意度也会随之提升。
  • 增加理解力和宽容心。感恩能够让我们更好地理解他人,更加容忍和宽容他人的不足。





As globalization continues to bring cultures together, it becomes increasingly important to have a basic understanding of table manners and etiquette from different parts of the world. China, with its rich history and unique customs, has a set of dining etiquette that is worth exploring. In this blog post, we will introduce you to some key aspects of Chinese table manners, which will come in handy whether you are traveling to China or attending a Chinese banquet.

Seating Arrangement

In Chinese dining culture, seating arrangement holds great significance. The seat of honor is usually reserved for the guest of honor or the eldest member of the group. In a formal setting, the host will make sure to seat the most important guests in a place of honor, while others will be seated accordingly. If you find yourself in such a situation, it is best to wait for the host to assign you a seat.

Table Settings

Chinese table settings are often elegant and aesthetically pleasing. The layout usually includes a tablecloth, chopsticks, a spoon, and a small plate. It is customary to wait and let the host offer you a pair of chopsticks before you start using them. If you are unsure about how to use chopsticks, it is better to request a spoon instead. Remember to avoid crossing your chopsticks, as it is considered rude.

Table Etiquette

When dining in a Chinese setting, it is important to observe proper table manners. Here are a few key points to remember:

  • Do not start eating until the host initiates the meal: It is considered polite to wait for the host to begin eating before you start.
  • Use serving utensils: Unlike some Western cultures where it is common to serve yourself directly from communal dishes, Chinese table manners dictate the use of serving utensils. Use them to transfer food from shared dishes to your own plate.
  • Do not finish all the food on your plate: Leaving a small amount of food on your plate signifies that you have had enough to eat. Clearing your plate completely may give the impression that you are still hungry.
  • Do not stick your chopsticks upright in your rice: This gesture resembles incense sticks and is considered inauspicious. Instead, lay your chopsticks down on the chopstick holder or on the side of your plate.
  • Avoid tapping your bowl with chopsticks: Tapping your bowl is seen as a sign of begging and is considered impolite.
  • Do not pick up food with your hands: While it is common in some cultures to eat certain foods with hands, Chinese dining etiquette emphasizes the use of chopsticks or a spoon.

Toasting Etiquette

Toasting is an important part of Chinese banquets and social gatherings. Here are some key points to remember when participating in a toast:

  • Wait for the host to initiate a toast: The host usually initiates the first toast. It is polite to wait for them to raise their glass before you take a sip.
  • Hold your glass lower than the person you are toasting: This shows respect towards the person you are toasting to.
  • If you are the host, make sure to toast every guest: As the host, it is your responsibility to make sure every guest is acknowledged and toasted.
  • When toasting, make eye contact with the person you are toasting to: This gesture shows sincerity and respect.
  • Do not refuse a toast: It is considered impolite to refuse a toast in Chinese culture. If you cannot drink alcohol for any reason, it is best to politely decline and propose a toast with a non-alcoholic beverage.


Understanding and practicing proper table manners and etiquette is essential when engaging with different cultures, and China is no exception. By familiarizing yourself with Chinese dining customs, you can show respect for the Chinese culture and make a positive impression. The key points discussed in this blog post, from seating arrangement to toasting etiquette, will serve as a solid foundation when you find yourself dining in a Chinese setting. Enjoy exploring the flavors of Chinese cuisine while gracefully navigating through the world of Chinese table manners!

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